---------- The Full Report of MP/Primo July Maintenance ---------- MP/Primo July maintenance started at 01 July 2018 and ended in 15 July 2018. - MP Holding Group/MP group/MP: https://mp-primo.blogspot.com/ 1. Changed the logo. 2. Created Worth History page. 3. Edited the style. 4. Edit all business profiles. 5. Created a new email. -------------ADS RESULT::::: -- New server. -- New logo. -- Fix slow ads. -- Fix some errors. -- Safe ads at all servers. - ADUK Ads Media: http://adukmedia.blogspot.com/ https://mp-primo.blogspot.com/aduk 1. Changed the name to "ADUK OA". 2. Changed the logo 3. New advertise page. 4. Edited the style. 5. Made Blogger SSL. 6. Fix some errors. - ADUK Ads Media - Click: 1. Changed the name to "ADUK OA - Click Server". 2. Fix some errors. - ADUK Ads Media - HTTPS Ads: 1. Changed the name to "ADUK OA - HTTPS Server". 2. Fix some errors. 3. Added Contact page. = Created a new ads server: --...