Of one-month anniversary of creation of "Violet City 1.0", we will show you the stats and reports. ------------------------------------------------------------ Official Page (https://mp-primo.blogspot.com/vc1.0): +1350 Views ------------------------------------------------------------ Advertisements:- - Advertisements [ADUK OA]:- -- Views:- --- 125x125: +330 --- 160x600: +25 --- 300x250: +215 --- 468x60 (alt): +10 --- 468x60, 728x90: +500 --- Text: +900 -- Total Views: +1980 -- Clicks:- --- +1100 --------------------- - Advertisements [Other Networks]:- -- Views: +67,000 -- Clicks: +80 --------------------- Spent on advertisements (1): $10.06 Spent on advertisements (2): $0.08 Spent on advertisements (3): $3.3 ------------------------------------------------------------ Music:- - Spent on music: $136 ------------------------------------------------------------ Other:- ...
MP Holding Group official site. founded and owned by Primo.